Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello Sports Fans!

Nicholas Tatham

In order for me as a student of journalism to understand what I want from this course I must be able to establish were the influence came from and also to recognize what difference I want to make to the world of journalism. Characteristically my blog will be aiming at an audience that does not take themselves too seriously and are able to laugh at themselves and maybe be able to relate to what I have to say because I have over my 20 years accumulated a few anecdotes that I would like to share with the readers. With this and a few other factors in mind like my love for sport my target audience would have to be besides for the obvious journalism students would have to be lovers of an arrangement of different sports and also keep up to date with sporting events and news. I am fairly opinionated when it comes to sports so I am hoping that with my blog I could create debates and discussions from actual sports events to issues that arise from these events and maybe even the politics that is involved because in South Africa you are bound to have these issues arise because of the large political influence involved in South African sport. An advantage to this is that sports news is always changing so there will not be many issues repeated on the blog which hopefully will help to increase curiosity of the potential readers. The world of journalism is incredibly cut throat so in order for me to stand out there must be something original, fresh and thought provoking about the blog to maybe encourage readers, also aiming at a younger audience could be influential to the popularity of the blog because ideas and thoughts could be similar between myself and readers. For me as a journalist this is the ideal opportunity to showcase my skills and ability to get people listening and reading my thoughts and commenting on what my blog entries have to say, this interaction will enable me to gain much needed experience and learn about what other people feel about certain issues. This blog is hopefully going to be a vital tool in my development as a journalist and will help me to create an identity amongst the journalism one students here at Rhodes.

For You the Readers

By Thami Tshabalala

Bought to you by a group of awesome amateurs, Yellow Brick Rhode is aimed to please you, the readers. Yellow Brick Rhode consists of four funky fresh members who are here to give an insight of the same old idea`s from their own point of view. In order to make things more interesting we`ve opted to follow our theme of the Yellow Brick Rhode - which comes from a well know children`s story the wizard of Oz - by speaking through characters from the film itself. This not only gives us mystery but each character stands to represent something personal about us bloggers, allowing us develop a fantasy type theme to our blog.

The blog is a way for each of us to express our views and opinions of our desired genres. Ranging from sports to entertainment an art to gossip and politics, each category allows the blog to attract a diverse range of individuals. Everyone is thus given the chance to engage in their own personal preference, as well as engaging with what us at the Yellow Brick Rhode have to say. Yellow Brick Rhode is a space of free expression.

As journalism student it is our job to question the world and critically analyse what is being feed to us by the media. This blog can there for be seen as means of expression that is easily accessible to fellow journalism students and those who have an opinion to express. Voicing one`s opinion and questioning the media is very important as a journalism student. Journalist are the one`s society relies on to bring critical analysis’s of world issues that effects the public. However as a journalism student we are not given the opportunity to voice out our opinions on a large scale and interact with those who feel the same or disagree with our view points on issues. Now it is possible with Yellow Brick Rhode. Whether you are planning to disagree or agree or even write something completely irrelevant to the topic that opportunity is now available to you.

Journalism for journalism students is now a playground of expression and Yellow Brick Rhode is your playground. However Yellow Brick Rhode is not all work, it is also intended to entertain and give up dates of the fun an interesting events taking place around the country, so the best of both worlds can be expected. As students some issues are taken too seriously and tend to loss our interest for that reason. So even though issues will be critically analysed they will be done in such a way to keep you the reader both informed and entertained.

Yellow Brick Rhode is your playground.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Welcome to the Yellow Brick Rhode

Christi de Beer

When you think about it, whether you’re a journalism student or not, we’re all on a journey to Oz. The question is, how long do you pause to take in the scenery? Sure, the scenery might not all be pretty yellow roads and acres of pink poppies. Unfortunately, in the real world you might be more likely to meet a hobo than a tin man, a drug addict rather than Dorothy. And I’m sure if you are a university student, you’d agree with me when I say that our adventures consist of endless essays and long lines at the university cafe. Not to mention waking up in a cold sweat when you remember you’ve missed a deadline and the final outcome will probably be death. But that’s what we’re here for. We understand you, and furthermore we want to talk to you. We’ll be the digital equivalent of sitting with you at break. Hell, we’ll even pay for coffee and stand in “Satan’s line” to the lunch-lady for you.

This blog will document our little adventures through the throws of young adulthood. The good times, the interesting times and the “just kill me now” times. I know the chances are pretty darn good that you’ll either relate to us or find us amusing. Maybe you would even find yourself experiencing both sensations. Furthermore, I will be the little voice in your head that tells you, “wait a minute, that is wrong.” Remember, falsehood... bad. Truth, good.

 Afterall, we should be striving to create great, truthful stories. So there’s no way that we’re going to accept bad journalism. And so help them if we find those bad examples of journalism because we’ll probably grab another coffee and gossip to you guys about it. Oh, and here’s the great part, you guys can bitch back. It’d be like sitting at a coffee shop. Minus the cheesy music and overpriced cake.

The Yellow Brick Rhode was set up with journalism students in mind, but I don’t discriminate. Unless you use “chat speak”. Then I take no responsibility for judging you. That’s just something you’re going to have to live with. But besides that, whoever you are, stop by. Hear what we think about what’s happening in our world, who’s telling us about it and how we can do a better job than them. Essentially, we want you to let us know what you think about all the interesting things happening next to the Yellow Brick Road. 

Until next week, peace.

Mission Statement

Sinikiwe Mqadi

My love and passion for the journalism are the main reasons why I decided to start this blog, I spend a lot of time involved with journalism work, and that is the only thing that interests me most at the moment and the way it’s , its look like it will interest me for the rest of my life. The Yellow Brick Rhode blog is the way of bringing together all the fans and students of journalism to share their views, thoughts, insights and everything related to journalism. The Yellow Brick Rhode is standing up for journalism students and fans, for all the great things that journalists do and for all the people who love journalism. A community will develop on The Yellow Brick Rhode of all journalism students and everyday someone new will join us on The Yellow Brick Rhode to read what we are saying or to offer their own opinion.

I understand that every career has flaws and I do not deny those flaws of journalism and not everyone enjoys or likes journalism and I kindly accept that, and their criticism for journalism is warm welcomed and hopefully criticism will help better and improve the standard of journalism all over the world. The critics may also be very useful since journalists are the watchdogs of what is happening for people to know, so people are what we are working for as journalists. We believe that there are enough journalists who are diligent for their work and it’s about time for people to start recognising that and take the step forward to improve it.

The Yellow Brick Rhode will provide useful and up-to-date information to keep journalism issues on top of what is happening locally and abroad, to make it more competitive and to encourage a quality education towards journalism. The Yellow Brick Rhode will provide with the platform information within journalism, from the students who want to share their talents by increasing local and international issues and hope to inspire good journalists in South Africa and in the world abroad. But not only academic or serious issues will be discussed even entertaining staff will be there since journalists are very busy bees and they usually having stress due to the work overload and willing to get the best for the public.

The Yellow Brick Rhode will take all reasonable steps to protect the personal information of users. It will be up to the users whether they want to display their real names in their blog posts and comments or not. The blog users will also make sure that all the posts are relevant or have effects to journalism. The Yellow Brick Rhode will use profession in every circumstance including writing posts, comments, ideas, etc.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good way for journos

Sinikiwe Mqadi
These blog is aimed to those who want to discuss issues related to journalism students!