Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello Sports Fans!

Nicholas Tatham

In order for me as a student of journalism to understand what I want from this course I must be able to establish were the influence came from and also to recognize what difference I want to make to the world of journalism. Characteristically my blog will be aiming at an audience that does not take themselves too seriously and are able to laugh at themselves and maybe be able to relate to what I have to say because I have over my 20 years accumulated a few anecdotes that I would like to share with the readers. With this and a few other factors in mind like my love for sport my target audience would have to be besides for the obvious journalism students would have to be lovers of an arrangement of different sports and also keep up to date with sporting events and news. I am fairly opinionated when it comes to sports so I am hoping that with my blog I could create debates and discussions from actual sports events to issues that arise from these events and maybe even the politics that is involved because in South Africa you are bound to have these issues arise because of the large political influence involved in South African sport. An advantage to this is that sports news is always changing so there will not be many issues repeated on the blog which hopefully will help to increase curiosity of the potential readers. The world of journalism is incredibly cut throat so in order for me to stand out there must be something original, fresh and thought provoking about the blog to maybe encourage readers, also aiming at a younger audience could be influential to the popularity of the blog because ideas and thoughts could be similar between myself and readers. For me as a journalist this is the ideal opportunity to showcase my skills and ability to get people listening and reading my thoughts and commenting on what my blog entries have to say, this interaction will enable me to gain much needed experience and learn about what other people feel about certain issues. This blog is hopefully going to be a vital tool in my development as a journalist and will help me to create an identity amongst the journalism one students here at Rhodes.

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