Friday, October 23, 2009

Everyone's business-smoking

Smoking has been seen as a lifestyle in our daily basis but the fact is it has a very big effect on someone’s health. It may not be the problem for too long you do it but finally there will be a problem. Yes smoking is a right for someone who is 18 years and above and if you are doing so you can simple tell yourself that it’s your own business but only to find is that it’s everyone’s business. As we all know that rights goes together with responsibilities, someone has to smoke at the right place and out of ten people who are smoking only three of them smoke in the right places and according to StatsSA someone who is not smoking has a big chance of being affected by smoking. Someone can argue that smoking has such a very big role in our economy but the thing is the money that is generated by economy by producing cigarettes is also used by the department of health to cure those people who have diseases because of smoking.

Out of 100 people who die from smoking related disease in South Africa, 28 die of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 19 of tuberculosis (TB), 13 of lung cancer, 12 of ischemic heart disease (IHD), 10 of cancer of the lip, mouth, pharynx and oesophagus, 9 of strokes and vascular disease, and 9 of other conditions. According to Health 24, cigarettes do have filters, but they do not remove enough tar to make the product less dangerous. Plus there are those taste-improving chemicals added to tobacco that up the risk of cancer.

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