Thursday, October 29, 2009

Put Your Game Face On

After only a week at pilot school, my boyfriend, Braam, started flying. He enjoyed it, and all was fine and dandy. Until... he started asking me to sit in on one of his lessons. 1500 feet in the air. With a boy that has only been flying for a couple of weeks and is yet to get his drivers licence for a car. Thus began the battle between my survival instincts and my supportive girlfriend instincts. Naturally, I put it off as long as I could. But with this project on my plate, I realised it was a good time to force myself into the metal bird and hold my hands over my eyes for an hour, until we were safely on land (if that even happened). So for the benefit of Mr.Kite, and the readers of our blog, I put my life in danger.

By the time I was in the plane, I realised that I wasn’t quite sure how I got there. I hoped it didn’t involve me kicking and screaming. But nevertheless I was strapped down and kitted with a pair of dorky headphones before I knew what I was doing. At that point, I remembered everything I wanted to do with my life. I haven’t been to Venice or Paris or New York yet. I remembered how I hadn’t even phoned my mother to tell her I loved her that day. And then the ground beneath the plane began to slip away and soon we were in the air.

While Braam and his instructor fiddled with some knobs and levers, I looked out the window to see the trees shrink. Just as I began to feel comfortable in the air, we descended. After the rocky landing (he’s only learning afterall), I let out the breath I was holding only to ascend again. We did that a couple of times, and soon it got pretty old. Braam assured me that circuits were irritating but next time (yeah right) I’d have more fun.

Eventually we landed, and stayed there. Like a true lady, I pulled myself together and gracefully slid out the plane. On the outside, I was thrilled. Inwardly, I was happy to have all my limbs.
So I hope you’re all happy. I almost died.

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